Why Tracking Your Menstrual Cycle is a Game-Changer for Online Business Owners

Let’s dive into the importance of tracking your menstrual cycle and how it can transform not only your health but also your entire life. Say goodbye to feeling like a passenger on an unpredictable rollercoaster and get ready to take the driver's seat in harnessing the incredible superpower that lies within each person's unique menstrual cycle.

Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle

Let's start by demystifying the menstrual cycle. It is far more than just a perceived monthly inconvenience or a biological process. Instead, it is a beautifully intricate system that holds immense wisdom about our bodies and minds. The menstrual cycle consists of four distinct inner seasons: inner winter (menstrual phase), inner spring (follicular phase), inner summer (ovulatory phase) and inner autumn (luteal phase). Each inner season brings its own set of physical and emotional changes.

The Benefits of Tracking

Now that we understand the different phases of the menstrual cycle let's explore why tracking it is so crucial. By keeping track of your cycle, you gain valuable insights into your body's patterns and rhythms. Here are some benefits of tracking:

  1. Empowerment through self-knowledge: tracking allows you to become intimately acquainted with your body and its unique needs throughout each phase. You'll gain a deep understanding of what feels good for you physically, emotionally and spiritually at different times in your cycle.

  2. Improved health and well-being: when you track your menstrual cycle, you can identify any irregularities or imbalances early on. This knowledge empowers you to seek appropriate medical advice if necessary, work with a menstrual cycle coach and make lifestyle adjustments to support optimal health.

  3. Enhanced productivity: did you know that certain phases of your cycle are better suited for specific tasks? By tracking your cycle, you can align your work schedule, creative projects and even social engagements with the phases of your cycle that naturally support increased energy, focus and creativity.

Break form from societal norms and BS

Now, let's challenge the societal norms that have taught us to view our menstrual cycles as inconvenient or something to be hidden. It's time to embrace our cycles as a source of power and vitality! Here's how tracking your menstrual cycle can help break free from these limiting beliefs:

  1. Embracing cyclical living: tracking your cycle encourages you to honor the ebbs and flows of your energy levels throughout the month. Instead of pushing through exhaustion or ignoring your body's needs, you can adapt your lifestyle to match the changing demands of each phase.

  2. Redefining productivity: in a world that values constant productivity, tracking your menstrual cycle allows you to redefine what it means to be productive. By acknowledging and respecting the natural rhythm of your body, you create space for rest, reflection and self-care without guilt or shame.

Tools for tracking your menstrual cycle

Now that we've established the importance of tracking your menstrual cycle let's explore some tools to help you:

  1. Menstrual tracking apps: there are numerous apps available to track your cycle. They can be convenient and user-friendly. These apps not only allow you to record menstruation dates but also provide insights into mood changes, energy levels and other challenges associated with each phase. They do have some huge cons though, and I only recommend that they be used in conjunction with a paper tracker. See my blog post on this topic.

  2. Traditional methods: paper trackers, calendars or journals are the best way to help you track your cycle and to learn all about your own unique cycle. It only takes 5 minutes a day to reflect and track but the insights that can come from these 5 minutes are immense!

Cycle tracking is all about self-discovery and empowerment. It’s the first step in embracing your unique superpower and realising your full potential. We can redefine what it means to live in harmony with our bodies and create a world where menstrual cycles are celebrated as the incredible source of wisdom that they truly are.

Remember: You have the power within you. Embrace it. Track it. Thrive with it!


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