Client Love

“an incredibly enlightening and empowering experience. Roxy really knows her stuff and has so many resources up her sleeve too”

Colette, Business Coach


What were you hoping to resolve or improve?

I’ve always had quite difficult periods – heavy, long, painful and irregular, so I was curious to learn more about what I might be able to do to improve the experience. I was also excited to find out more about how I could understand my cycle better so as to plan better for both my personal life and business.

How do you feel as a result of coaching with roxy?

The first word that comes to mind is empowered! I feel so much more in control now – both of my symptoms but also of my emotional wellbeing

If you were to review what you learnt and write your own success story what would it say?

I can honestly say, I found this experience much more rewarding than I was expecting. I was curious at the start – but not really expecting anything too drastic to change. For my whole life I had very much just accepted my cycle (and its problems) as something that just happened to me (and my bad luck that I happened to have all these problems with it).

By the end of the coaching with Roxy, I feel SO much more empowered. I have learned about so many different ways I can improve my experience – from diet, to what pads I choose and more.

The biggest thing for me was starting to track my periods – I will definitely continue to do this as it has already taught me so much about why I feel and do what I do during the different stages of my cycle.

What specific results have you had as a result of coaching with roxy? How did the coaching help you or contribute to your results?

The most significant result for me was mental and emotional wellbeing. I now understand my emotions and actions so much better than I did. Not only can I now plan around the times I know I’m going to feel ‘off’ but I understand why I feel that way and there’s real comfort in that.

My period symptoms didn’t change significantly during our time together – but that’s down to me not actually doing the things I was learning about consistently enough (eg. Diet changes etc) – this IS something I’m planning to get organised with so I do expect improvements in the future.

What would you say to someone who’s considering working with roxy?

Do it! It’s an incredibly enlightening and empowering experience. Roxy really knows her stuff and has so many resources up her sleeve too.

  • Steph Russell

    “Roxy provided so much insight and wisdom”

  • Colette Broomhead

    “I feel so much more in control now”

  • Heidi Warren

    “Roxy deepened my understanding of my cycle immensely”

Heidi, Photographer


I have known Roxy for quite a while now, and when she announced that she was doing menstrual cycle coaching I knew immediately that it was something I needed to do and that Roxy was the coach for me. Roxy deepened my understanding of my cycle immensely, helped me become so much more in tune with my body and helped me create some great habits which are continuing to help my cycle each month. I've often struggled with irregular cycles and so learning what to look out for within my body during the different seasons has been incredibly helpful for me to know where I am within my cycle. I now track my cycle, how I'm feeling and a few other key things every day which has helped me feel so in tune with my body, know what to expect when and recognise why I'm feeling certain ways or responding to others in certain ways at different points (for example, I find I always get quite tearful around 3 days before my period starts!). This has been helpful for me to pre-empt how I could be feeling over the coming days and also has helped my husband begin to understand some of my reactions at times too.

Roxy was knowledgeable, supportive and always open to questions. She is amazing at what she does and I would honestly encourage anyone who menstruates to have some coaching and become more in tune with their body and their cycle. It only helps you love yourself more!

“[Roxy] is amazing at what she does and I would honestly encourage anyone who menstruates to have some coaching”

Steph, Human Design Coach


In one sentence, how do you feel as a result of our time together?

More awareness and connected to my cycle.

I loved working with Roxy to understand my menstrual cycle. Our sessions and support gave me so much insight into what happens during a menstrual cycle and how to work with them to support them in my embodiment journey. The power also came in the space that Roxy held - I hadn't realised that I had been subconsciously holding onto so many beliefs and trauma linked to my period. Roxy provided so much insight and wisdom and I can't wait to continue my journey with her.

What specific results have you had as a result of coaching with me? How did the coaching help you or contribute to your results?

Healed past trauma related to my period - feel more aware of how to work with my cycle

“Roxy provided so much insight and wisdom”