Welcome to a world of knowledge, empowerment and self-discovery – your ultimate destination for menstrual health. Here, I’ll gather a treasure trove of cycle wisdom, expert advice and must-see content, all thoughtfully tailoured to prioritise your well-being.
Inner Winter Wisdom: How to Harness the Power of Your Period
Inner winter (the menstruation phase) is a time of our cycle that has the potential to be a beautiful part of our life but is all too often an awful experience for many.
Inner winter is a time when our bodies and minds need a different kind of care, one that honours the natural downturn in our energy. Understanding and embracing this inner season can lead to significant improvements in our health, well-being, and our productivity in business.
Embracing Your Inner Seasons:An Introduction to the Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
The concept of inner seasons refers to the different phases within the menstrual cycle that menstruators experience. Each cycle is divided into four main phases, and these phases can be likened to the changing seasons of nature.
Understanding these inner seasons can help menstruators become more in tune with their bodies, emotions, and overall well-being throughout the menstrual cycle.
Discover Your Perfect Period Product: A Comprehensive Guide!
Explore the world of menstrual products and find your ideal match! From pads to cups, we break down the options to help you make an informed choice for a happier, healthier period experience.
Master Your Merry Flow: How to Keep the Holiday Spirit High and Menstrual Troubles Low
Embrace your menstrual cycle during the holiday season. Discover tips to keep your energy high and menstrual troubles low. Prioritise self-care and nourish your body for a joyful and balanced Christmas.
The Problem with Menstrual Cycle Tracking Apps
While these apps can be very useful for recording your period and getting predictions, there’s so much more to understanding your cycle than what an app alone can offer.
How to Overcome Painful Periods and Boost Your Business
It's crucial to recognise that suffering from period pain is not a necessary rite of passage. In fact, there are a huge number of ways to help alleviate period pain