Embracing Your Creative Energy Of Inner Spring

As we journey through our menstrual cycles, each inner season brings its own unique set of strengths, challenges, and opportunities. Inner spring (follicular or preovulatory phase) is the time in our cycle when we feel a natural surge of energy, creativity, and motivation. Just like the season of spring in nature, inner spring is a time of renewal, growth, and new beginnings. In this blog post, we'll explore how to embrace the energy of inner spring, support our bodies during this phase, and use this period to boost our personal and business success.

What is Inner Spring?

Inner spring occurs immediately after inner winter (menstrual phase). Hormone levels begin to rise, particularly oestrogen, which promotes the thickening of the uterine lining and stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovaries. This phase typically lasts about 7 to 10 days and is characterised by increased energy, mental clarity, and a desire to be more social and productive.

What Our Bodies Need During Inner Spring

During inner spring, our bodies are naturally primed for physical activity and mental stimulation. You might notice that you feel more energised, optimistic, and ready to take on new challenges. However, it's important to support this energy surge with the right nutrition, exercise, and self-care practices.

Nutrition: Fueling your body with nutrient-dense foods is key. Focus on fresh, vibrant foods like leafy greens, lean proteins, and healthy fats that provide sustained energy. Incorporate foods rich in folate, vitamin C, and omega-3 fatty acids to support the growth and repair processes happening in your body.

Exercise: With increased energy, this is an excellent time to engage in more vigorous physical activities. Whether it's running, hiking, biking, dancing, swimming, your body is ready to move and thrive. Exercise not only helps to manage stress but also enhances mental clarity and boosts your mood.

Self-Care: Inner spring is a time of renewal, so it’s the perfect opportunity to refresh your self-care routine. This could mean starting a new hobby, try a new recipe, taking a creative class, or simply making more time for yourself. Mindfulness practices like meditation can help you stay grounded and focused, allowing you to channel your energy effectively.

Strengths and Opportunities in Inner Spring

Inner spring is often referred to as a time of "rising" energy. Just like plants beginning to grow and flowers starting to bloom, you may feel a surge in your motivation and creativity. Here’s how you can harness the power of inner spring:

Creativity and planning: With heightened mental clarity, this phase is ideal for brainstorming new ideas, setting goals, and planning for the weeks ahead. Whether it’s mapping out a new business project or organising your personal life, use this time to think creatively and strategically.

Social engagement: As your social energy increases, take advantage of opportunities to network, collaborate, and engage with others. Whether it’s attending a business event, reaching out to potential clients, or simply connecting with friends, your confidence and communication skills are likely to be at their peak.

Starting new projects: The sense of renewal and possibility makes inner spring an ideal time to start new projects. If you’ve been considering launching a new product, starting a blog, or tackling a new challenge in your business, this is the time to dive in.

Supporting Yourself During Inner Spring

While inner spring is a time of growth and expansion, it’s important not to overdo it. The excitement and energy of this phase can sometimes lead to taking on too much too quickly. To avoid burnout, it’s essential to balance your enthusiasm with mindful pacing.

Pace yourself: Although you may feel like you can do it all, remember to prioritise your tasks and manage your time effectively. Focus on one or two key projects instead of spreading yourself too thin. This will help you maintain your momentum throughout your cycle.

Listen to your body: Even though your energy is high, it’s important to stay in tune with your body’s needs. Ensure you’re getting enough rest, staying hydrated, and nourishing your body with healthy foods. Taking care of yourself now will pay off for the rest of your cycle.

Practice flexibility: While planning and goal-setting are important during your inner spring, remain open to change and adaptation. Sometimes, things don’t go as planned, and being flexible allows you to adjust your approach without losing momentum.

Inner Spring in Business

For business owners, inner spring is a valuable time to focus on growth, innovation, and collaboration. This phase is all about taking action and turning ideas into reality. Here’s how you can use inner spring to your advantage in business:

Product development: If you have new ideas for products or services, this is the time to start developing them. Use your heightened creativity and motivation to bring these ideas to life.

Networking: Your increased social energy makes inner spring a great time to expand your network. Attend events, connect with potential clients, or collaborate with other business owners.

Strategic planning: Use this time to revisit your business goals and strategies. Assess what’s working, identify areas for improvement, and set clear objectives for the next few months. Planning during inner spring sets the stage for success throughout your cycle.


Inner spring is a powerful phase of renewal, growth, and creativity. By understanding and embracing the unique energy of this phase, you can enhance your personal well-being and business success. Remember to support your body with the right nutrition, exercise, and self-care practices, and take advantage of the opportunities that inner spring offers. With mindful pacing and strategic planning, you can harness the energy of inner spring to achieve your goals and thrive in all areas of your life.

Whether you're planning new projects, networking, or simply enjoying the surge of energy, inner spring is a time to celebrate and embrace the power of your menstrual cycle. So, as you move through this phase, take the time to nurture yourself, pursue your passions, and let your inner spring bloom.


Embracing Your Feminine Energy During Inner Winter