Inner Winter Wisdom: How to Harness the Power of Your Period

Inner winter (menstruation phase) is a time of our cycle that has the potential to be a beautiful part of our life but is all too often an awful experience for many. 

Modern life doesn’t support our needs, we’re on a continuously spinning hamster wheel. The majority of online business owners I know and speak to are looking for more freedom and flexibility in life. We have a greater opportunity than others to adjust how we live and work.

We have the opportunity to work with our cycle and not against it.

We have the opportunity to work smarter, not harder.

I always say that your menstrual cycle is happening whether you like it or not, so you can either ignore it, hate on it and do nothing to improve it, or you can learn to love it, embrace it and use it to your advantage.

This is particularly true when it comes to your period. It’s happening, so look at how can you improve it and make it a positive experience.

Inner winter is a time when our bodies and minds need a different kind of care, one that honours the natural downturn in our energy. Understanding and embracing this inner season can lead to significant improvements in our health, well-being, and our productivity in business.

What Our Bodies Need

During our inner winter we naturally have lower energy levels and require more rest. Physically, our bodies need nourishing foods rich in iron and magnesium to replenish what is lost during menstruation. Warm, comforting meals like soups and stews, along with plenty of hydration, can help support the body.

Strengths and Limitations

Inner winter is often seen as a time of weakness, but it actually holds unique strengths. While our physical energy may be lower, our intuition and creativity are heightened. This is a great time for analysis, evaluation, introspection, reflection, and planning. You might not have the drive to tackle high-energy tasks or the confidence for client-facing tasks, but you can excel in strategic thinking and creative problem-solving.

Using Inner Winter to Your Advantage in Business

For your business, inner winter can be a secret weapon. Use this time for reflective tasks such as reviewing your business strategies, assessing goals, and brainstorming new ideas. It’s a perfect time for vision planning and setting intentions for the coming weeks. By aligning your business activities with your menstrual cycle, you can ensure that your energy is used most effectively.

Supporting Ourselves During Inner Winter

Self-care is paramount during this phase. Here are some ways to support yourself:

  • Rest and relaxation: Allow yourself to rest more than usual. Short naps, longer sleep, and taking breaks can help your body rejuvenate.

  • Nourishing foods: Focus on nutrient-dense foods that support hormonal balance and replenish lost nutrients.

  • Gentle movement: Engage in gentle activities like yoga or walking instead of intense workouts.

  • Mindfulness and meditation: These practices can help you stay grounded and connected to your inner self.

  • Emotional support: Surround yourself with understanding and supportive people who respect your need for rest and introspection.

Avoid Overdoing It

One of the biggest challenges during inner winter is resisting the urge to push through your tiredness. Society often values constant productivity, but honouring your need for rest during this time can prevent burnout and increase overall productivity. It's essential to recognise your limits and avoid overcommitting. Setting boundaries and saying no when necessary is not a sign of weakness but of wisdom and self-respect.

Embracing Your Feminine Energy

Inner winter is an opportune time to connect deeply with our feminine energy. This inner season invites us to slow down, turn inward, and embrace the nurturing, intuitive, and creative aspects. In a world that often prioritises masculine traits such as constant activity and relentless productivity, reconnecting with our feminine energy can be a radical act of self-love and empowerment.

Feminine energy is often associated with qualities such as intuition, empathy, creativity, and receptivity. It’s about being rather than doing, feeling rather than thinking, and flowing rather than controlling. During inner winter our bodies naturally align with these qualities, making it a perfect time to embrace and amplify them.


By understanding and supporting your body's needs, leveraging your unique strengths, and avoiding the pitfalls of overexertion, you can harness this inner season to improve both your well-being and business success. Remember, rest and reflection are just as important as action and productivity. So, the next time you enter your inner winter, honour it as a powerful time of renewal and insight.


Embracing Your Feminine Energy During Inner Winter


Embracing Your Inner Seasons:An Introduction to the Phases of the Menstrual Cycle